Hi, my name is Mutai Patrick
Software Engineer.

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About Me


I'm Mutai Patrick, a Freelancer and a Software Engineer. A bonifide IT graduate with specialization in Software Engineering and Cyber Security.

My skills include: HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Git, PHP, C# (Xamarin Forms), Dart (Flutter Framework), React (Next.js, Commerce.js), Angular Js, Python (Django Framework), Zoho BI, MySQL, and Postgres Database Management.

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Carwash Booking Site

A simple unified Carwash Management System that enable Car owners to book and get access to carwash services based on their geo-location. The system also allows the clients to keep track of their order, conviniently pay for the service using M-Pesa and generate a receipt.

E-Commerce App

A simple E-Commerce Application developed using Flutter Framework to enable clients, conviniently purchase various products from the online store. Site is still under development.

Stock-Tracker App

A Stock-Tracking Application built on Xamarin Framework used by two types of users, Warehouse Staff and Van Sales Staff. The app,enables the different types of users based on their roles on the system to enter the stock count of the available products in the Warehouse.


A simple Mini e-Commerce website still under development. The site has been developed using Next.js Framework, The users will be able to purchase various products from the site and conviniently pay for the products using M-pesa.


A unified enterprise E-commerce platform, for any small or large scale business operation.

Elimu Platform

A simple school website still under development. The site has been developed using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Firebase Dtabase The users logs in to the site upload school's reults which are then analyzed relatime and they are able to see the top school and the top student


Have something for me to build?

Reach Me Here!